Welcome to Swarm Chasers Apiaries!
Where we think about the B. We started Swarm Chasers after Mary read an article about keeping bees in your backyard. Mary really likes to garden and had just had some blueberry bushes planted. The article talked about pollination and food production, which we never really think about….we just want an apple when we go to the grocery store right. The article was about a guy who had bees in his back yard so that he can increase his fruit production. You see when bees pollinate all the flowers, there is a greater chance of success for the plant to produce the fruit!! But, I digress.
Mary went to a 2 hour class at Oakhurst Community gardens that gave an intro to beekeeping. After that, she ordered up a couple of nucs, searched online for equipment, met Mr. PN Williams, who gave her a quick short course in his office and set out to keep bees.
The first year was a lot of fun and scary. We harvested over 40lbs of honey off of one hive. The other hive was only so so and did not survive the winter. But undeterred she ordered a couple more nucs and played at beekeeping, becoming more serious, taking a short course, going to the bee conferences and joining a club. Mary became a certified honey judge and certified beekeeper in 2009. From there she continued to study, attend conferences and became a Master Beekeeper, GA in 2013. Swarm Chasers started in 2009 when we had a great harvest year and lots of swarms. At one point, Robin, text Mary when she was in Young Harris, saying there was a swarm in the tree. Mary called Robin back and said don’t’ worry about it. However, Robin got the ladder out and pulled the swarm out of the tree. Hence, swarm chasers was born.
We sell honey, comb honey, creamed honey, propolis, pollen (by order) and we share our knowledge of the bees and the environment. Learning about bees one has to learn about the environment. We have learned about the country’s food production, GMO’s, pesticide and the companies that produce them. The overuse of the pesticide as well as the misuse of the pesticides. Please if you have questions contact us and we will try to answer them.